The Best Christmas Pageant Ever follows the outrageous shenanigans of the Herdman siblings, or “the worst kids in the history of the world.” The siblings take over the annual Christmas pageant in a hilarious yet heartwarming tale involving the Three Wise Men, a ham, scared shepherds, and six rowdy kids.
by Angela Lavelle
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever holds a dear and special spot in my heart. I would have to say that it’s one of the first shows that really drove me to the theatre as a kid. Aside from landing my very first theatrical role as Amelia in ‘Amelia Bedelia,’ Christmas Pageant really gave me “the crave” for theatre that I still have today. Growing up, it became an annual event in our community theatre that everyone looked forward to. This show really brought a sparkle to the community reminding audiences what Christmas is truly about while bringing everyone together. After the owner of the theatre passed away, the tradition sadly went with it. My goal with this show is to bring that same special spark to the community that I remember so deeply and fondly. A magic like that must be passed around and shared with everyone! So here we are... beginning the annual tradition of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!!!! Enjoy this wonderful show, and I sincerely hope it warms your heart as much as it has mine.